DALGONA OVERNIGHT OATS – so flavourful, so light and yummmm😍 If you are coffee lover, you will love it! 😋
Mix together 1/2 cup of oats, 1tbsp of chia seeds, a pinch of salt, a shot of espresso, 1/2 cup of milk, 1tbsp of brown sugar, 1tsp of vanilla essence and 1/4 cup of Greek yoghurt. Keep in the fridge overnight. Next morning, For the Dalgona foam, whisk together 1 tbsp of coffee, 1 tbsp of sugar, and 1 tbsp of boiling water. Take your oats out of the fridge. Top it with dalgona foam and garnish with some brown sugar and flaked almonds! Enjoyyyy! Add honey or condensed milk if you prefer it a lil more sweeter !
[tags: coffee, overnight oats, oats recipe, overnight recipe, Dalgona coffee, brown sugar, milk recipe, breakfast recipe, healthy recipes]
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