Was excited to explore the options of this price category, to see what the best espresso grinder under £250 might be. The grinders reviewed are:
Baratza Encore ESP – https://www.baratza.com
Sage/Breville Smart Grinder Pro – https://www.breville.com
Fellow Opus – https://fellowproducts.com/
Varia VS3 – https://www.variabrewing.com/
DF54 – https://miicoffee.shop/
0:00 The Selection & The One That Didn’t Make It
2:23 Workflow
11:18 Tasting Espresso
14:39 Nerdy Stuff: Particle Size Analysis
17:28 Retention tests
19:50 Grind Speed
20:35 Power Consumption / Wattages
21:41 Sound
23:04 How they Perform with Filter Coffee
24:15 Nitpicks and complaints
34:37 Concluding thoughts
For those curious about the print in the background and the coffee dosing trays we’re using, head to: https://geni.us/THT-FreshCoffee and https://geni.us/THT-Matte-Trays
Ross Droplet Technique video from the channel: https://youtu.be/nLnB99VJ0HE
Comparing grinders under £500: https://youtu.be/3VohJapkObs
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My Books:
How to Make The Best Coffee At Home*: https://geni.us/howtomakethebestcoffee
The World Atlas of Coffee*: http://geni.us/atlasofcoffee
The World Atlas of Coffee Audiobook*: https://bit.ly/worldatlasofcoffeeaudio
The Best of Jimseven*: https://geni.us/bestofjimseven
Things I use and like:
My old glasses: http://bit.ly/boldlondon
My new glasses (Sept 2024 onwards): https://bit.ly/thenewglasses
My hair product of choice*: https://geni.us/forthehair
(*Affiliate links which may earn us a commission)